Beauty & Rejuvenation Treatments
Plastic Surgery
Body Surgery
- Abdominoplasty
- Body contouring
- Brachioplasty
- Breast augmentation
- Buttock fat injection and / or stem cell injection
- Buttock implants
- Calf implants
- Calf reduction
- Fat injection and / or stem cell injection into the breast
- Fat injection in the leg
- Full body lift
- Gynecomastia male breast aesthetics
- Hip augmentation
- Liposuction
- Scar removal
- Sclerotherapy
Face, Eyes and Head Treatment
- Blepharoplasty
- Facelift
- Facial fat injection and / or stem cell injection
- Forehead lift
- Neck lift
- Otoplasty
- Rhinoplasty
Medical Aesthetic
- Botox / filler injections (restylane, radiesse)
- Chemical peel
- Dermabrasion / dermaplaning
- Glycolic peels
- Laser peels
- Scar revision
- Tattoo removal
- Vein removal
Dental Aesthetics, Oral & Dental Health
- Bonding (Composite lamina)
- Complete / Partial denture (Acrylic/metal-single jaw)
- Dental braces
- Dental prostheses
- Dental scaling
- Dental veneer (E-max, Zirconium,Laminate, Porcelain)
- Digital smile design
- Empress tooth (Full porcelain)veneer
- Fiber post application
- Filling (Composite, compomer,veneer)
- Gingival aesthetics
- Implant treatments
- Inlay and onlay restoration
- Invisalign
- Oral examination and consultation
- Orthodontic treatment
- Panoramic x-ray
- Porcelain dental crowns
- Periodontology (Gum diseases)
- Root canal treatment
- Retreatment
- Snoring treatment
- Smile design (Hollywood smile)
- Teeth grinding (Bruxism)
- Teeth cleaning
- Teeth whitening
- Zirconium crowns
Hair Transplant
- Beard / Mustache Transplant
- Eyebrow Transplants
- Hair Transplant (for men and women)
….– DHI-Direct hair implantation
….– FUE-Follicular unit extraction
……..– Sapphire follicular unit extraction
……..– MicroFUE
……..– Long hair follicular unit extraction
….– FUT-Follicular unit transplantation