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Hair Transplantation: Hair Restoration through the Transfer of Hair Follicles; Eligibility, Techniques, Success and Statistics


Hair loss can significantly impact an individual’s self-esteem and confidence. Fortunately, advancements in medical technology have paved the way for effective hair restoration through hair transplantation.

We are thrilled to introduce the transformative world of hair transplantation, a remarkable procedure that offers hope and confidence to those struggling with hair loss. Hair transplantation, the process of transferring healthy hair follicles to areas of thinning or balding, has revolutionized the field of hair restoration. With its ability to restore natural hair growth and enhance self-esteem, hair transplantation has become a sought-after solution for individuals seeking to regain a fuller and more youthful appearance.

In this article, we will delve into the eligibility criteria, techniques, success rates, and statistical insights of hair transplantation, shedding light on the remarkable possibilities it offers. Embark on this enlightening journey with us as we delve into the intricate art and scientific advancements of hair transplantation. Trust GSS Health and Consultation to be your partner in realizing your hair restoration aspirations, providing you with the utmost care and expertise to achieve exceptional results.

What is hair transplantation?

Hair transplantation is a surgical technique that redistributes hair follicles from a donor area to areas experiencing hair loss. Its primary objectives include recreating a natural-looking hairline, improving hair density and thickness, providing coverage for bald patches, and offering long-lasting results. Skilled surgeons strategically transplant hair follicles to achieve a balanced and aesthetically pleasing hairline that blends seamlessly with the patient’s existing hair and facial features. By transplanting healthy follicles, the procedure adds volume and fullness to thinning areas, resulting in a denser appearance. This restoration of natural hair growth helps individuals regain their self-confidence and improve their overall well-being. The transplanted hair follicles are resistant to further hair loss, providing lasting and sustainable results. Hair transplantation aims to address the physical and emotional impact of hair loss, offering a renewed sense of confidence and well-being.

Who is eligible for hair transplantation

Eligibility for hair transplantation depends on several factors. Adequate donor hair supply is crucial, as healthy hair follicles from the donor area (typically located at the back or sides of the head) are carefully extracted and transplanted into balding or thinning areas, allowing for the growth of new, permanent hair. Stability of hair loss is important, and transplantation is most effective when hair loss has stabilized. General health is considered to ensure the safety and success of the procedure. Realistic expectations are vital, as hair transplantation may not restore a full head of hair or replicate the exact characteristics of original hair. Psychological readiness is also important, considering the impact of hair loss. Individual circumstances and the chosen technique play a role in eligibility criteria. Consulting with a qualified specialist is key for assessment and personalized treatment planning.

The techniques

There are multiple techniques known in the field of hair transplantation; Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT); Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE); Direct Hair Implantation (DHI).

In FUT (Strip/linear harvesting), a strip of scalp containing hair follicles is surgically removed from the donor area. The strip is dissected into individual follicular units, which are then transplanted into the recipient area. FUT typically allows for a larger number of grafts to be transplanted in a single session. It may leave a linear scar at the donor site.

FUE involves the extraction of individual hair follicles directly from the donor area, without the need for a strip of scalp. The follicles are extracted using a specialized instrument, leaving tiny, circular scars that are less noticeable than a linear scar. FUE is less invasive than FUT and generally has a quicker recovery time.

DHI is a variation of FUE that involves the direct implantation of harvested hair follicles into the recipient area.The implanted follicles are placed using a specialized implantation pen, allowing for precise control over the angle, direction, and depth of the transplanted hair. DHI enables dense packing of hair follicles and provides natural-looking results. It is considered a more advanced and refined technique.

In summary, FUT involves the removal of a strip of scalp, FUE involves extracting individual follicles, and DHI is a specialized form of FUE that offers precise control and dense packing of hair follicles. Each technique has its own advantages and considerations, and the choice depends on factors such as the patient’s needs, the extent of hair loss, and the surgeon’s expertise.

Success of hair transplantation: Expertise and Skill

The success of a hair transplantation procedure heavily relies on the expertise and skill of the surgeon. A highly trained and experienced hair restoration specialist possesses the necessary knowledge to carefully harvest and place the hair follicles, ensuring natural-looking results. Choosing a qualified surgeon with a proven track record in hair transplantation is crucial for achieving optimal outcomes.


Hair transplantation offers remarkable, natural-looking results. Following the procedure, the transplanted hair follicles enter a shedding phase before new hair growth begins. Within a few months, patients will start to notice new hair growth, and over time, the transplanted hair will thicken, providing improved density and coverage. The final results become apparent within a year, allowing individuals to enjoy a restored hairline and enhanced self-confidence.


Hair transplantation, a revolutionary procedure in the field of hair restoration, offers a permanent solution for individuals experiencing hair loss. Through advancements in technology and refined surgical techniques, hair transplantation has evolved into a reliable and life-changing procedure. It not only helps individuals regain a fuller head of hair but also restores their self-confidence and enhances their overall well-being.

It is crucial for individuals considering this procedure to have a thorough understanding of the techniques involved, seek the expertise of qualified professionals, and carefully evaluate potential risks. GSS Health and Consultation, strives to connect patients with experienced surgeons who possess the expertise to perform hair transplantation procedures with precision and artistry.

Embarking on a hair restoration journey can be a transformative experience, enabling individuals to rediscover the joy of having a natural hairline and the confidence that comes with it. With our dedicated support and access to world-class medical facilities, we aim to ensure that patients receive the highest level of care and achieve outstanding results.

As GSS Health and Consultation, we recognize the significance of providing comprehensive support and guidance to individuals seeking hair restoration treatments. We understand that choosing the right technique and finding a skilled surgeon is paramount for achieving successful results. Our team of experts is dedicated to assisting patients in their hair restoration journey, ensuring they receive personalized advice, tailored treatment options, and access to top-quality medical facilities.

Some statistics

According to “International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery: 2022 Practice Census Results” (https://ishrs.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Report-2022-ISHRS-Practice-Census_04-19-22-FINAL.pdf);

  • the demand for hair restoration varies among different age groups. The most common age group seeking hair restoration is between 30 and 39 years old, followed by the 40-49 age group. Regarding gender distribution, it is observed that men show more interest in hair restoration procedures.
  • in terms of surgical procedures, the focus of treatment was predominantly on men in 2021. The data reveals that a significant majority, around 87.3 percent, of the procedures were carried out on male patients.
  • among the male hair restoration surgical procedures, the predominant method utilized was FUE, accounting for 75.4% of the total procedures. This was followed by FUT at 21.3% and combination FUT and FUE performed during the same surgical session’ at 3.3%. In contrast, for female patients, the most common procedure performed was ‘Hair Transplantation with FUE with a percentage of 57.0%, while FUT accounted for 41.7% of the total procedures.
  • approximately 62.5 percent of non-surgical hair restoration procedures were performed on male patients, emphasizing their higher representation in seeking such treatments.
  • in 2021, the majority of hair transplant procedures for both men and women were targeted at the scalp area. Approximately 87% of male procedures and 83% of female procedures focused on the scalp. However, a notable percentage of male procedures (13%) and female procedures (17%) were performed on non-scalp areas. For men, these included facial hair (moustache/beard), eyebrow, scar repair, and repair due to previous Black Market HT. Among women, the main non-scalp targets were eyebrows, repair due to previous Black Market HT, scar repair, and sideburns. These statistics demonstrate the varied areas of focus in hair transplantation, accommodating individual preferences and needs.